15 Spring Activities For Toddlers That You Will Love Too

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The beginning of spring used to be a magical time for me when I was a kid. It was time to finally get out of the house and let all that energy out.

I really hope that when they grow up, my kids will feel as excited for the coming spring as I used to. But I know if I want them to love it I have to show them why.

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To teach your kids to love spring, here is a list of 15 fun spring activities for toddlers and adults to enjoy together.

1. Scavenger hunt

Take your kids to the nearest park and start looking for spring-related items together. We’re lucky enough to live near a big forest-like park, so enjoying the outdoors comes easy to us. 

I have prepared for us a list of items suitable for toddlers so feel free to use it or prepare your own.

  1. A wildflower
  2. A bird
  3. A butterfly
  4. A nest
  5. A blooming tree
  6. A spider web
  7. A green leaf
  8. A bee
  9. A wild animal

2. Spring language cards

As I’ve already mentioned I’m a big fan of Montessori-inspired cards for toddlers. So naturally, I’ve prepared my own set of Spring cards to learn with my daughter. This time I’ve tried a slightly different size for easier laminating.

Here is what’s included in our pack:

  1. Bee
  2. Bird
  3. Butterfly
  4. Daffodil
  5. Frog
  6. Ladybug
  7. Poppy
  8. Rainbow
  9. Snowdrops
  10. Stork
  11. Sun
  12. Umbrella

3. Color matching

Spring is all about colors. So if the weather doesn’t allow you to go outside it may be the best time to start learning colors and color matching. 

My older daughter is 1y8m old so it’s the perfect time for us to learn the names of the colors and how to recognize them by sorting different color items.

4. Plant some flowers

Digging in the dirt could be a great spring activity for toddlers and adults. And everyone in between for that matter. So why not plant some flowers and watch them grow?

Here are some ideas that are suitable to try growing with your kids:

  • Poppies. They are fast-growing and can grow from seed to flower in just 60 days. 
  • Daisies. Who doesn’t love daisies? Just like poppies, they are easily recognizable by kids and fun to play with later on.
  • Strawflowers. Not the most popular option but once they grow they are fascinating for kids of all ages. Their paper-like petals feel dry even when they’re still fresh.
  • Sunflowers. A great experiment for kids since they already recognise the seed. Show them how it could turn from seed to flower. On the negative side, they are quite slow to grow to their fully developed form.
  • Petunias. They are pretty much fool-proof. Petunias are available in pretty much every colour, you could grow them in the garden or a container, and they are easy to revive if you forget to water them.

5. Learn the parts of a flower

Planting and growing a flower will help you teach your kid about its lifecycle. And while on the topic, if they are old enough you could also teach them about the different parts of a flower.

The parts a 3-year old kid could be able to name are:

  • Root
  • Stem
  • Leaves
  • Petals
  • Seeds

6. Have a picnic

A picnic in the backyard or the park is a great bonding idea for the whole family. I still remember the picnics our parents used to take us when we were little. 

You could play some games together or just have lunch and soak in the sun. Your kids will love it either way.

7. Go to the zoo

Speaking of things kids love to do, going to the zoo is definitely one.

If you want to go the extra mile, why not bring some animal cards with you and go on an animal scavenger hunt.

8. Play with sidewalk chalk

Do your kids love to draw? Then why not replace the pencils with chalk and move from the drawing pad to the sidewalk?

While looking for some inspiration I found this amazing post by What Mom’s Love about 101 Sidewalk Chalk Ideas. It has tons of ideas for kids of all ages so check it out.

9. Play in a rain puddle

Another one I used to love as a kid. And while I would postpone playing in the rain for the summertime, jumping in rain puddles brings lots of fun. 

It’s probably the first thing that comes to mind when I think about spring activities for toddlers. Just put the rain boots on and they are ready to go. And be sure to bring a spare set of clothes if you’re far from home.

10. Catch a butterfly

Running after butterflies can be very fun but be sure to explain to your kids that it’s best if they try to catch them without hurting them.

If you’re out specifically looking for butterflies bring some q-tips and sugar water (some sweet juice would do as well). When you find a butterfly spot dip the q-tip in the water and bring it slowly to the butterflies. Hold it still for a while and they will come attracted by the sweetness.

11. Make a bird feeder

If you want to attract more birds to your backyard you could make a bird feeder to hang outside. 

For some amazing DIY ideas check out this post on Homemade bird feeders to make with kids. In it, Jackie from Happy Hooligans has collected and listed some pretty neat ideas.

And the best part is you can actually make the feeders with your kids.

12. Paint a cherry blossom tree

Cherry blossom trees have always reminded me of spring. And since they are pretty easy to draw, they are a great way to entertain a kid on a rainy afternoon.

If you have a toddler at home, you could draw the tree and then show them how to draw the petals. Here are some ideas for everyday items that create amazing petals when dipped in pink paint:

  • Cotton balls
  • Bottle bottom
  • Broccoli
  • Tied up q-tips
  • Finger painting

13. Blow bubbles

This is actually something we’ve been doing indoors all winter. However, when spring comes you could get an automatic bubble machine and astonish your kids in the backyard.

14. Feed ducks

If you live near a lake, an afternoon of watching and feeding the ducks is another activity you could add to your spring activities for toddlers bucket list.

And while you’re there, why not show them how to skip stones?

15. Learn a spring song

I know screen time for toddlers is considered taboo, but my daughter just loves watching and dancing to nursery rhymes. So listening and learning some spring-related tunes are definitely entering my list.

Here are some nursery rhymes to add to your playlist and sing with the kids inside or out:

  • The Ants Go Marching
  • 5 Little Ducks
  • Itsy, Bitsy Spider
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away

Do you feel inspired by the rising spring? Make this season unforgettable for your little one and grab the Spring activities for toddlers workbook from the Resource Library. All you have to do is sign up for the mailing list.

Now tell me, what is your favorite spring activity with the kids?

Promo image of flying pages from the Spring Activities for Toddlers workbook available for free on Mom's Daily Diary.

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