10 Reasons Why Moms Need To Join The YMCA

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of YMCA of Delaware. All opinions are 100% mine.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy from my link I might make a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay. See the full affiliate disclosure here.

Ello, folks! I hope that you are having a beautiful week. I am in beautiful Dover, DE this week as my husband and I spend time with family. As most of you know we spend half our year in North Carolina and the other half is Dover. I adore the visiting the YMCA and I wanted to share with you 10 reasons why every mom should join the YMCA.

The YMCA has long been a destination for both my husband and I. My husband has gone to the YMCA since he was a child in the 70’s and has made such fond memories. I joined in the late 90’s with my father and like my husband it was always a memorable time. I have always adored swimming and my first time swimming was in a YMCA pool in Chambersburg, PA. I was so proud and from that day forward I have been a “water child”.

<Free pass image>

Sometimes one thinks of the YMCA and thinks of all the activities that they offer kids of all ages but the number one member is YOU! The YMCA adores to help moms so that they can reduce stress, be in tune with their bodies and boost confidence. Being a mom you know how hard it is to get a bit of “me time” the Y understands and they are here to help you!

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10 Reasons Why Moms Need To Join The YMCA

<Insert Image babysitting included with membership)

  1. The YMCA offers a huge variety of services but one that I think will really tickle your fancy is that they offer free, that’s right I said FREE, childcare while you work out. Just having this service is worth its weight in gold. You don’t have to struggle to find a sitter or beg a friend for an hour. The Y also offers a variety of childcare programs so you are bound to find something that will suit your needs.

  1. One of the most relaxing things to me is swimming. Maybe I am weird but I have chatted with other moms about this. Swimming is extremely relaxing and utilizing the YMCA you will have access to both indoor and outdoor pools. There will never be a season when you can’t get your “swim on”.

  1. If you enjoy totally relaxing did you know that the YMCA offers Saunas and Hot Yoga! If you have never tried these they are a MUST!!

  1. You might be like me and can find fitness center intimidating. The YMCA is a huge family of friendly people. Everyone is so kind! If you need help their trainers and friendly staff are there to help you reach your goals. This really can mean so much when you are a mom. Just having a conversation with another adult about your needs can mean so much.

  1. So one of the main reasons you might join the YMCA besides some you time is the gym right? Well, the Y offers some of the best gyms. Since my husband and travel a great deal, there are some places that we go that I don’t have access to the Y. I have to go to other gyms. I prefer the YMCA because I have always found that they are clean and have the most state of the art equipment you can find.

  1. So being a mom you might find yourself a bit excluded from the things that you used to do, along with conversations with other parents or just people in general, right? At the YMCA they offer a huge lineup of different group classes which I highly recommend. I have met some of the nicest moms in these groups! Classes include Barre, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, Zumba, BodyPump and so much more! Not only are you working out but you are having fun meeting other people and parents just like you!

  2. One of the biggest misconceptions that I have found about the YMCA is that you are stuck in a contract. I can’t tell you how many people have told me this. The great thing is that you have no contracts to sign, ever. And, you have access to most Ys across the country. If you adore traveling like I do there are just a few places that I go that I don’t have access to the YMCA. This is huge for me because I know that I can get out relax for a moment, workout, or just swim.

  3. Being a member of the YMCA you have so many perks! Us moms LOVE perks right? Well just being a member you get 50% off swim lessons, sports, dance and and so many more. One of my most memorable lessons was again while I was a child at the YMCA. They were awesome teaching me how to swim and I would recommend them highly to any parents looking to get their child’s feet wet 🙂

  4. There is just so much that you can do at the YMCA being a mother but one other perk is being able to spend time with your family. We all need that alone time, trust me I understand as I sit here at the Y myself talking into my recorder for this posting. Yet, we also want time with our family. The YMCA in Dover offers a HUGE selection of amazing programs for families just like yours. They have fun classes like family Zumba, Family Yoga and Pool parties. See more events here.

  5. My last point is something that I would highly suggest doing and that is that of course the YMCA is for moms but they LOVE children as well. One of my points above was the childcare included with your membership but you have to check out all of the amazing activities for your kiddos.

In all, the YMCA is for moms but it is also for families in general. You need a break? The YMCA is there. You want to get a better self image? The YMCA is there. If you want to simple just have a fun class with other adults. The YMCA is there. Below you will find again all the links found in this blog posting and I do hope you take advantage of the one day pass and JOIN this month for a savings of $90.

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