how to successfully balance your business and blog with your family

How to Successfully Balance Your Passion and Your Family

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Are you a mom who’s super busy with life and family, but secretly wants to pursue a passion, talent or business idea?

Maybe you’ve already stepped out to start your Passion Project but quickly got overwhelmed and quit.

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No judgment, here. Been there!

Or you’re like me and already have a growing blog and business but still need practical advice on keeping everything balanced.

No matter where you are, pursuing a passion is a really big deal because for most of us – it leaves us feeling vulnerable and exposed.

how to successfully balance your business and blog with your family

Entering… life outside of good ole’ comfort zone!

The good news is… a life that’s filled with passion and purpose is like getting a cool breeze on a hot summer day! #Winning

It’s also a whole lot of work and dedication if you’re all in, but your Passion Project is all your own and can be extremely satisfying!


So let’s talk about the giant elephant in the room… lack of TIME!

The main hurdle for myself and most moms out there is, “where will I find the time between work and family to follow my dreams?”

The real reason this is such a major issue for moms is that we want to care for our families well and keep them first place on our Life’s Priority List.

Adding new things to an already full plate can be scary, for sure.

Let me show you how chasing your passion just got a whole lot easier!

Bring your Family into Your Passion

Start by letting your passion be known by your spouse and kids… if you haven’t already done this.

Let them know why this thing is your passion and even how you believe it connects to your life’s purpose.

You’d be surprised how supportive your family can be, and how they are sometimes just the perfect people in your life to help you in your passion.

My Passion Project is this blog. I LOVE writing and sharing what I’m learning about raising and family and becoming the best version of myself. is growing and growing and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

The best part is, it’s really a family project! My husband how’s a genius tech and online marketing Pro helps me with all my tech and advertising stuff.

I’ll be honest, I started this blog a few years ago all on my own. That was my choice and a result of my own insecurities. Once I got out of my feelings, and let other people into my project – things began to soar.

Related: How I Keep My First First While Running my Growing Business

Maybe your husband isn’t supportive of your passion or your children are too little to understand.

In this case, keep a positive mindset and as long as there isn’t any conflict over what you’re doing… keep working at it!

Ruth Soukup and Crystal Paine both tell stories of them stepping out in their passion for blogging. Their husbands both didn’t see how anyone could make money from blogging but they both forged ahead and now make thousands each month from their blogs!

There’s a Grace for Your Passion in Every Season

So what does that look like for the stay-at-home mom of 4 kids under 8 whose living room constantly looks like a toy factory explosion or the working mom who has very little margin left at the end of her long day to cook dinner, or the work-at-home mom who’s ready to pull her hair out trying to balance play-dough and business plans at the same time?

Whether you’re in the early stages of motherhood or soon to be an empty-nester, there’s a grace to follow your dreams right now.

That grace isn’t just the ability to “DO” things in this season, but also to “NOT DO” things.

That means, scaling back, delegating, or taking a break depending on where you are! Or better yet, saying no to what doesn’t fit, so you have more time to focus on what does. There’s a grace to fit together creativity the things you’re led to do, and equally the grace to say no to the things you aren’t.

Knowing this takes the pressure off, and allows us to stop waiting for the perfect time to step out. There’s always going to be a little chaos and a whole lot of juggling no matter what.

The only perfect time is now!

Baby Steps are OK!

This post is specifically about helping moms balance their family and their passion, and we all know how crazy motherhood can be on a good day.

That’s why taking baby steps is a great strategy for jumpstarting your Passion Project.

One of the best ways to do this is to see how your passion, gifts, and talents can be used to serve others.

Again, during the very busy season of motherhood, this idea can immediately feel overwhelming.

Let me stop you right there!

I’m not talking about opening a non-profit or starting a new ministry here. Just start serving others in your area of passion, using your gifts and talents.

Related Post: 27  Super Easy Ways to Purpose Your Passion as a Crazy Busy Mom.

You can volunteer in your church for a couple of hours a week, you can make crafty things and donate them, or you can join a group of like-minded people that align with your passion.

The only thing you MUST do is… Put your Passion On The Calendar!

Schedule Your Passion

Remember Ruth Soukup and Crystal Paine? They both made big sacrifices of their time to make their businesses happen! Crystal Paine ran her very busy blog and homeschooled her kids at the same time.

Ruth confesses spending months and months waking up at 3 am to work on her blog before she ever made a dime! That’s determination and dedication. Do you have that same bull-dog tenacity to keep going even if no one else understands?

The good news is, if you stick it out long enough – your success will be evident to others. Both Crystal and Ruth were able to retire their husbands and they gladly came to work in their new family business!

Carving out a dedicated amount of time every day or every week is extremely important to your success.

First, start by determining your most productive and creative time of day is… midday, early morning, or late night. Then do your best to get creative and carve out at least an hour a day to work. Soon that time will be like a habit and one you’ll guard and protect.

You’ll be amazing what you can accomplish in one hour a day! It’s certainly more impactful than zero.

One more thing, when your kid wakes up with a fever and is sick for a few days or something else unavoidable comes up, drop the work if you can. Mommy is your first priority and everything else comes second. Being the best mom you can be is always the best choice you can make.

When you make the most important choices, things always have a way of working themselves out in the end.

What’s your business or blog idea? How are you staying sane and keeping things semi-balanced? Please share your ideas in the comments below!

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