How to Find What Motivates You

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Are you looking for ways to find what motivates you? Do you ever feel like you’re just not motivated to succeed? Like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get moving? It’s easy to get discouraged when it feels like everything is working against you, but don’t give up! In this guide, we will discuss some methods for finding what motivates you and getting your motivation back on track. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

If you can figure out what motivates you, and use this knowledge to help yourself be motivated to become a better person all around-mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually-then you will have it made.

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You will be able to not just succeed, but you will be able to find joy and happiness in the process. We all want to be successful and have a good life, but the question is-what does that mean for you? What are your specific goals? How do you want to achieve them? One of the best ways to find out what motivates you is to ask yourself what you want to achieve in life. What are your dreams and goals? Once you have identified these things, you can start to look for ways to make them a reality.

These are important questions to ask yourself, because they will help you to focus your attention on what is most important to you. If you can identify your goals, and find ways to work towards them that make you happy, then you will be well on your way to a successful and fulfilling life.

People who know how to get motivated usually end up successful, happy, and are envied. So, find what motivates you, and channel it for good. Here’s how:

Look at underlying reasons you do things. Is it for a boy? To be cool? To get fit? To be healthy? To get a better job? For money? Each of us is motivated in some area of our life already. You may be a very motivated athlete who gets up early to work out.

You may be motivated to be spiritual, attend church each week, read scriptures daily, etc. You may be motivated to be a good mother, your kids are always clean, dressed, fed, you read to them, etc. You may be motivated to be a good employee, you show up on time, you work hard when you are on the clock, etc.

There are plenty of things you can be motivated to be. But the question is why? The athlete might be motivated by the way they feel after they work out, or the attention they get as they excel in this area. The person who is spiritually motivated might find this motivation in their desire to know God and feel his love, as well as the peace they get in having purpose.

The motivated mother may be motivated by the need to please their husband and get social acceptance. There are underlying causes to each area of motivation, it is your job to figure out what yours is.

Are you more likely to achieve your goals if you are working towards a reward, or avoiding a negative consequence? For some people, the thought of a positive outcome is enough to motivate them to take action. Others may need a little more incentive, and may be more motivated by avoiding a negative outcome.

Establish your motivators. Rewards or consequences? Whatever your motivators may be, it is important to find ways to use them to your advantage. If you are more motivated by rewards, for example, you can set up a system whereby you reward yourself for taking steps towards your goals. This could be something as simple as buying yourself a new book when you reach a milestone, or taking yourself out for dinner when you achieve a major goal. On the other hand, if you are more motivated by avoiding negative consequences, you can set up a system whereby you punish yourself for not taking action. This could be something as simple as not watching TV for a week if you don’t meet your goals, or not buying yourself new clothes until you’ve achieved your targets.

Once you find the underlying reasons you do things, you can refer to those as motivators. Now it is time to categorize these motivators. Are they reward based or consequence based? If you clean your room because your mom will kill you if you don’t that would be consequence based. If you clean your room because you love how you feel when your room is clean, that is reward based.

Now look at where you are. You should know now if it is rewards or consequences that motivate you. Once you know this you can better motivate yourself to do things that make you better. So, where are you in life? Are you easily angered? Do you wish you had a better figure? Evaluate yourself.

Look at where you want to be. Now that you know where you are, it is time to look at where you want to be. You know how to motivate yourself to get there, so now it is just time to be clear about how far you have to go. If it helps you to visualize it, chart it out. Say I am here: Cussing 20 times a day. I want to be here: Cussing once or twice a day. Then you know you have only to cut out about eighteen cuss words a day to get there.

Set up a plan to get there using your motivators to help. Now if you want to channel what motivates you for good, set up your plan. Determine what motivator you are going to use, and put it in place. For example, if you are trying to cut out the cussing, and rewards are your better motivator, then reward yourself with something for each cuss word you cut out during the day. If consequences are your motivator, then give yourself a punishment for each time you cuss.

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