Dreamland Baby Review + 10% Off Coupon Inside

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You may have heard of Dreamland Baby Co from seeing them on ABC’s Shark Tank.

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We got these amazing sleep sacks for our babies when they were about 3 months old corrected. This is our Dreamland Baby review.

Use my Dreamland Baby discount code morganblvd for 10% off your purchase.

If you’re shopping around for a new sleep sack for your little one, then you should definitely consider these amazing ones!

In this Dreamland Baby review I’ll go over each product they have, tell you what my family loves about the company, and answer some questions you may have.

Why We Love Dreamland Baby Co

  • Unique– There is no other sleep sack like these on the market. There are some with parts that are weighted, but not as much as the Dreamland Baby sleep sacks.
  • Dual zipper– This means you can unzip from the top or bottom. This is so helpful with diaper changes.
  • Helps baby relax– Having a little bit of weight on helps baby’s calm down, self soothe, fall asleep quicker, sleep better, and stay asleep longer.
  • Range of sizes– They have a sleep sack swaddle for babies, Dreamland Baby sleep sacks for ages 6-24 months, and a weighted blanket for ages 3-8.
  • Machine washable– These products are very easy to clean. I’ve never had a problem washing any of them.

Overview of Dreamland Baby Co

Dreamland Baby Co was started by Tara Williams. She was having a hard time getting her 6 month old to sleep. One night she put a heavy throw blanket over him and he calmed down.

She thought that a weighted sleep sack would be perfect for him, but couldn’t find any. This was how she got the idea to make one herself.

Watch Tara sell her idea to the sharks on Shark Tank:

Tara accepted an offer from Lori Greiner and the company has taken off since then.

Dreamland Baby products were designed with NICU nurses, pediatricians, Certified Sleep Consultants, and Pediatric Pulmonologists.

They have free shipping on orders over $100. They have gifts cards you can buy for $50, $100, and $150, which you can buy here.

Is Dreamland Baby Safe?

Make sure that you are following the American Academy of Pediatrics’ safe sleep recommendations, which can be found here.

Dreamland Baby Co’s products are safe when used correctly. Make sure your child is in the right weight range for the sleep sack or swaddle they are using.

With these weighted sleep sacks your baby can still roll, stand, sit-up, and sleep on their back, side, or belly.

These products exceed the United States Consumer Product Safety Commissions standards.

The International Hip Dysplasia Institute has acknowledged that these products are good for hip health when used right.

If you have any concerns, please talk with your doctor first about using these products.

Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle

dreamland baby weighted swaddle

The Dreamland Baby weighted swaddle is size 0-6 months, which is 8+ lbs and 19-26 inches.

It has a built-in swaddle band inside of it. You wrap the swaddle wing part around your baby’s arms or waist, then zip them in.

You can have both of their arms inside, like a traditional swaddle, or you can have one arm out, or both arms out.

This product used to have a detachable swaddle wing, but it is attached now.

It’s so nice that it transitions so you can use this baby weighted blanket as a swaddle or a sleep sack and don’t have to buy a sleep sack right when your baby can’t use a swaddle anymore.

It’s made from 100% cotton that is very soft. The weighted beads inside are non-toxic. It is lightweight with 1.2 TOG.

We swaddled our babies until they started rolling from back to belly. The reason why is because we read that Rachel Y. Moon, MD from the American Academy of Pediatrics said, “when your baby looks like he or she is trying to roll over, you should stop swaddling.”

Shop Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddles here

Dream Weighted Sleep Sack

dreamland baby sleep sack

The Dreamland weighted sacks come in sizes 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, and 24-36 months.

Size 0-6 months is for babies who are 8 lbs and up. Size 6-12 months is for babies who are 15 lbs and up.

Size 12-24 months is for babies who are 20 lbs and up. Size 24-36 months is for babies who are 25 lbs and up.

These are the baby wearable weighted sleep sacks that we got for our babies and they are the reason we wrote this Dreamland Baby review. The first time we put this product on our babies they became so calm right away.

Remember to use my Dreamland Baby promo code morganblvd for 10% off of your Dreamland Baby Co order!

It’s such a cute weighted blanket and we love that it’s gender neutral. It’s white with little grey stars on it. It has a quilted style to it and zips up onto the baby.

It comes in other colors and prints now too, like pink, blue, animals, rainbows, and more.

They’re really cool wearable weighted blankets. They help babies fall asleep faster because it makes them feel like they’re being hugged, which makes them feel safe.

This is really important for our son. We’ve noticed that he has to feel safe and know that we’re nearby for him to fall asleep.

The gentle weight of this wearable weighted blanket helps babies self soothe, stop moro reflex, increase melatonin, increase serotonin, decrease cortisol, sleep longer, and help stop sleep regression.

The weight is evenly distributed so you don’t need to worry about it being too heavy anywhere.

The transition from swaddling to using sleep sacks was a little rough for our daughter. She had been swaddled every day and night for almost 6 months, so it was hard for her to fall asleep with her arms out.

We just had to be patient with the transition for a few nights, but now she’s doing great. Dreamland Baby Co’s baby weighted sleep sacks have really helped us!

I also love how they have dual zippers. It’s so easy to zip our babies up in them and the 2 way zipper makes it so easy to change diapers without having to completely take them out of the sleep sack.

It’s the best when babies also have an outfit that zips from the top to bottom because that will make diaper changing even easier.

We are so grateful for products like this that help our babies sleep! We hope other moms will benefit from them and love them too!

Shop Dream Weighted Sleep Sacks here

Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket

The Dreamland weighted blanket is one of their newer products and we are so excited to have ours!

I couldn’t write this Dreamland Baby review without including it because of how much we love it.

The size is 36″ x 48″. It is for kids who are 30+ lbs and is recommended for ages 3-8. The weighted blankets should not be used when your little one is sleeping in a crib.

My babies don’t weigh enough to sleep with this blanket at night. We love to use them during the day and snuggle in them.

The toddler weighted blanket also really helps my son calm down when he’s having a hard day.

It comes in 2 color options- grey star and ballerina pink. They are both really cute!

Shop Dream Weighted Sleep Blankets here


Dreamland Baby has five bundle options, plus ones that you can build yourself. All of these will help you save money.

They have The Classic Bundle, The Sibling Bundle, The Baby Shower Bundle, Dream Pajama 3-Pack, and Crib Sheet 2-Pack.

The Classic Bundle comes with a Dream Weighted Sleep Sack that you get to choose the size and color of, and a Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle 0-6 months in the color of your choice.

The Sibling Bundle comes with a Dream Weighted Sleep Sack and a Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket. You choose the colors and the size of the sleep sack.

The Baby Shower Bundle comes with a Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle and 2 of the Dream Weighted Sleep Sack.

This is a great gift to a mama to be to help their baby sleep better and hopefully for longer hours after they are born.

If you have twins you can do this option to get 2 sleep sacks and save money on them.

The Dream Pajama 3-Pack comes with 3 pairs of their zipper footie pajamas for babies. They come in a lot of different colors and prints and sizes up to 18-24 months.

The Crib Sheet 2-Pack gives you 2 of the Dream Fitted Crib Sheets. It comes in a few different colors.

Shop Dreamland’s bundles here

Other Dreamland Baby Products

Dreamland Baby has been expanding their line of baby gear. They also have Nursery Essentials now, which includes Dream Pajamas, Dream Crib Sheets, Adult Sleep Mask, and a Sleep Guide.

How Much Does It Cost?

The Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack is $89, the Dream Weighted Sack and Dream Weighted Sleep Sack are $89, and the Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket is $99.

You can use my Dreamland sleep sack promo code morganblvd for 15% off your order though.

Is It Worth The Cost?

I fully believe that Dreamland Baby Co’s products are worth the cost. It’s hard to put a price on sleep when you have a baby!

These products have helped so many babies sleep better. They are high quality and durable. I hope this Dreamland Baby review has helped you decide if these products are right for you baby.

What’s the point of a sleep sack?

Sleep sacks serve two main purposes. First, it will keep your child warm without the use of blankets. Second, they help your baby feel contained and help them feel as if they were still in the womb.

How long can baby wear sleep sack?

Your baby or toddler can wear a sleep sack for as long as they can fit into it while following the size guides for height and weight limits. Many sleep sacks sizes go up to 24 months.

Does Dreamland Baby accept returns?

Yes, you can do a return within 30 days of receiving your product.

If you have more questions, you can always reach out to their customer service team.

Remember to use Dreamland Baby coupon code morganblvd for 10% off of your Dreamland Baby Co order!

I hope this Dreamland Baby review has been helpful for you!

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