101 Powerful Affirmations For Productivity To Start Your Day

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Are you prone to procrastinating when you have too much on your plate? If you find yourself often losing your focus, working inefficiently, or simply lacking motivation I have a solution for you.

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What you need to try is to include a few affirmations for productivity in your day.

Sounds vague and a bit hocus pocus? Then I’ll give you 3 reasons to give it a try:

  1. You have nothing to lose.
  2. It’s completely free.
  3. It won’t take of your time or interfere with your busy schedule.

Now if you’re ready to improve your focus and achieve your goals, keep reading ahead.

Why use affirmations for productivity?

When things don’t go as planned we often talk to ourselves without even realizing it.

I cannot do it!

This is impossible!

Why did I even start this!

This kind of mentality not only doesn’t help us with the tasks at hand. It makes things worse. Because believe it or not, the mind is a very powerful tool. All you need to do is reprogram it in a positive direction.

And this is where affirmations come in.

By using affirmations for productivity you help your mind shift to its CAN DO settings and thus improve your focus, well-being, and productivity.

How to use productivity affirmations?

Woman taking a breath at her desk.

Psychologists say that affirmations should be repeated out loud when you wake up and before you go to bed. These are the times when your subconscious is most susceptible to a change of mindset.

But if you don’t feel comfortable doing this just yet, don’t be quick to leave the page. There are a few other ways to use affirmations for productivity.

Out loud in the mirror

This is the classic way to use affirmations. And I have to admit, saying them out loud does have a certain power on its own.

For maximum effect, you can stand up in front of the mirror and repeat the affirmation slowly and consciously about 10 times.

However, I’m really not the kind of person to talk to myself in the mirror. And for the longest time, this kept me away from using affirmations.

But if you’re like me, don’t give up just yet and check the other two ways first.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath

Recently I took interest in yoga and meditation. Not that I’m very good already but I take great comfort in it and it really helps me keep the stress down.

So whenever I feel the need to, here’s what I do.

I sit up straight or stand up still, close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then start repeating the affirmations in my mind. It feels like a form of quick meditation and it really helps you calm down and focus.

Write them on a sticky note

Get distracted easily? Write your favorite affirmations for productivity on a sticky note and put them on your working monitor.

You can also use an affirmation of the day and replace it every morning before you start to work.

This way you can just glance back at it whenever you feel your focus is slipping away.

33 Affirmations for productivity

Ready? Time to choose the affirmations that best align with you and your goals. Use them as they are or as inspiration to create your own.

When the task is too hard

"I am converting obstacles into opportunities.", productivity affirmations by Mom's Daily Diary
  1. I am the best at what I do.
  2. I believe in myself and my skills.
  3. Being successful comes naturally to me.
  4. I always finish what I’ve started.
  5. I feel happy and satisfied when I complete my task.
  6. Every task I take ends up a complete success.
  7. I am working efficiently every day.
  8. I am productive and effective.
  9. Today is going to be a very productive day.
  10. I never feel overworked.
  11. I am converting obstacles into opportunities.
  12. Everything I do is aligned with my long-term goals.
  13. I never do things halfway.
  14. I am natural at finding the solution to any problem.
  15. Being productive and efficient is just who I am.
  16. I feel inspired to tackle any task with ease.
  17. I am not bothered to ask for help when I need to.
  18. I complete every project in time and with maximum efficiency.
  19. I am getting better at what I do every day.

20. I am persistent and effective even when the task is hard.

  1. I never quit in the middle of a task.
  2. I am working consistently on every project I start.
  3. I am getting better at my work with every completed task.
  4. I am a natural at overcoming challenges.
  5. I am confident that my skills can get every job done right.
  6. I always make the right decisions.
  7. I welcome challenges because they help me grow.
  8. I am the type of person who gets things done.
  9. I always find a way to complete even the hardest tasks.
  10. I am the right person for the job.
  11. I have good problem-solving skills.
  12. I see challenges as opportunities for improvement.
  13. I am worthy of my success.
  14. I am relaxed and calm in every situation.
  15. I am constantly improving myself and my skills.
  16. I will do great things today.

When the tasks are too many

Affirmations for productivity: "I am completing my to-do list one task at a time", Instagram image by @momsdailydiary
  1. I complete my to-do list with ease.
  2. I am a natural at getting things done.
  3. I am a productive type of person.
  4. I feel even more productive when I cross items off my to-do list.
  5. I am great at task management.
  6. I schedule my tasks in the most efficient way.
  7. I always complete my to-do list.
  8. I love getting things done.
  9. I am organized and highly productive.
  10. I am completing my to-do list one task at a time.
  11. I am getting more productive with every completed task.

48. I am completely in charge of my time and schedule.

  1. I have amazing time management skills.
  2. I never get stressed over the tasks on my to-do list.
  3. I feel excited when I start and complete a task.
  4. I am happy when things are getting done.
  5. I can say no to tasks that do not align with my goals.
  6. I have more than enough time to complete my tasks.
  7. I am great at prioritizing my tasks.
  8. I am focused on quality, not quantity.
  9. I always meet my deadlines.
  10. I always plan my work carefully.
  11. I love it when I cross off my tasks one after another.
  12. My to-do list is completely achievable.
  13. I always use my time wisely.
  14. I love the sight of a completed to-do list.
  15. Each new task takes me closer to achieving my goals.
  16. I am a time-management master.
  17. I am completely focused on my current task.
  18. My daily tasks take me one step closer to my long-term goals.

When you lack motivation

Pinterest pin with text: "Affirmations for productivity. I work, so my dreams become a reality. morganboulevard.com"
  1. I am ready for the new day.
  2. I am driven and motivated.
  3. My productivity is a result of my skills and experience.
  4. I am great at taking action.
  5. I am focused and productive.
  6. Motivation comes naturally to me.
  7. I am always completing my projects with outstanding results.
  8. I am full of energy and motivation.
  9. Being productive charges me with new energy to keep going forward.
  10. I love my job and the satisfaction it brings me.
  11. I am passionate about my work.
  12. Being productive brings me a sense of purpose.
  13. I am extremely productive in the morning.
  14. I am successful in my work and in my life.
  15. Achieving my goals comes easy to me.
  16. I am great at blocking out distractions.
  17. I am goal-oriented at all times.
  18. My passion for my work boosts my productivity and energy.
  19. I enjoy being productive.
  20. I love finding new ways to be productive.
  21. Being productive always comes effortlessly.
  22. I work so my dreams become a reality.
  23. I stay focused on my tasks for as long as I have to.
  24. My good work is noticed and appreciated.

91. I am admired for my work ethic, productivity, and efficiency.

  1. I am a goal-oriented person.
  2. Being productive is a part of me.
  3. I am a master of productivity.
  4. I feel relaxed and accomplished when my job is done right.
  5. My persistence is noticed and admired by my co-workers.
  6. I am highly productive at work and in my everyday life.
  7. I am in complete control of my life and my time.
  8. Being productive inspires me to perform even better.
  9. I am a highly motivated and driven person.
  10. I deserve to achieve my goals.

Now it’s your turn. Tell me which ones inspired you the most and how do you include affirmations in your daily routine.

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