5 Twin Mom Bloggers To Follow & Learn From

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When we found out that we’re expecting twins, I wanted to find all the twin Instagram accounts and twin mom bloggers I could. I knew nothing about twins and wanted to learn everything I could from other twin moms.

1. Whit

Whit from WhitJXoXo.com blogs about her twins

Whit has a toddler and is due with her twins any day. Her twins are fraternal and she’s having a boy and a girl. I have loved her updates to see what her twin nursery looks like and what products she has been buying to get ready for her babies.

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Her website
Her Instagram

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2. Carli Williams

Carli Williams behind ShopFitnessCarli.com has twins

Carli has a fitness blog where she also sells meal plans and other products. She also sells the cutest Twin Mom t-shirt. She has a daughter and also has identical twin boys that were born in 2018. She is a huge fitness inspiration. She mainly posts about health and fitness, but every now and then she posts about her twins and I always look forward to those posts.

Her website
Her Instagram

3. Katherine Betts

Katherine Betts has twin boys

Katherine is a stay at home mom of 3 children. She blogs about being a twin mom, home décor, and recipes. She also has a shop where she sells twin onesies and shirts.

Her website
Her Instagram

4. Elna Cain

Elna Cain runs Twin Mommy

Elna has a blog called Twins Mommy, which is where she teaches other moms how to make money blogging. She had twins in the fall of 2014 and she wanted to stay home with them. Her blog has allowed her to do this.

Her website
Her Twitter

5. Emily

Emily is a twin mom blogger from the U.K.

Emily is a twin mommy blogger in the United Kingdom. She had twin girls in 2012. Her and her husband, Nige, blog about IVF, travel, zero waste, fitness, and more. The biggest reason that she started blogging was to share their IVF experiences.

Her website
Her Instagram

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