This is What Happens When you Feel Beautiful

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The other day I overslept. I woke up ten minutes AFTER the school bus pickup time, both kids were sitting on the couch in their pajamas eating junk food, and neither of them ever thought to wake mom up! Cue the crazy person (ME), running around trying to pack lunches, get everyone dressed and in the car. “is your hair brushed?”, “did you have anything to drink?” “where’s your homework?” We were so late that morning.

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By the time I got everyone dropped off to school, late notes signed and all, and I was driving to my office, I realized that I hadn’t even brushed my own hair, much less put on makeup or jewelry. All day I was uncomfortable. My morning “get pretty” routine is important to me, and it helps me to feel confident throughout the day.


A little bit can go a long way here. Pick up a new lipstick, get a fab haircut, or paint your nails a trendy color. When you feel beautiful, you look beautiful. You’ll smile more, you’ll talk to more people, you’ll take healthy chances.


Check out my simple skincare routine in this post!

Here are 3 things that happen to you when you feel beautiful:


Your Mental Health Improves

Our mental health is negatively impacted by stress and overwhelmed. These things can cause mental and physical illness and it’s really important to find ways to avoid the burnout that comes from repeated stress. Having a few minutes to yourself each day to focus on your appearance allows you time to breathe and to use the creative part of your brain! Other beauty routines like aromatic facials and baths, or regular trips to the salon give you an opportunity to slow down that you maybe wouldn’t have taken otherwise.

You Gain Confidence

As I mentioned above, I feel powerful, confident, and strong when I know I look good. It doesn’t mean that makeup and hair is a requirement for self confidence, but it certainly can’t hurt. A bright red lip can make you feel bold, and a chic updo can make you feel professional. The way we see ourselves affects the way we interact with the world around us, and feeling beautiful increases confidence levels.

You’ll Feel More Connected

Focusing on feeling beautiful is an amazing way to connect with your own inner goddess! How many times have you felt like you barely connected with your own body? Change that up, and take control of it! Beauty is also an amazing way to connect with other women, as it’s something that we can all relate to and want to learn more about. Once you have your beauty game figured out, teach others to find their own beautiful too.

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What happens when you feel beautiful? Increased confidence and so much more!

There’s nothing wrong with focusing on on being and feeling beautiful. Don’t get caught up thinking that it’s vain or wasteful to focus on your looks. Think of your beauty routine as an important part of your self care schedule, and give it the attention it deserves.

What do you do to feel beautiful? Leave a comment and let me know! 

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