5 Ways to Express Yourself Creatively That Don’t Involve Drawing

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Having a creative way to express yourself is an excellent way to practice good self-care, but what can you do if you aren’t artistically skilled? I’ve never been any good at drawing and over the years I’ve taken art classes and watched a lot of YouTube videos to try and teach myself to be better.  The thing is, not being great at it just frustrates me, and frustration makes it difficult for me to find joy in doing it.


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Don’t worry though! There are plenty of other ways to express your creativity without picking up a pencil.  Here are a few of my favorites.


There are many ways to make writing a creative habit. Keeping a journal is the easiest to do, and I like that you can just keep it with you and write when the urge strikes. Blogging can also be an excellent outlet. My blog allows me to share about topics that interest me and teach others about things that I know


Using your body to express yourself can be freeing, primal, and soothing – not to mention that it’s excellent exercise! Join a class, or follow along with an online video if you aren’t sure where to start, Or just turn on some music and let the music lead you.


Most of us cook every day out of necessity – you have to eat, right? But what if you could turn that obligatory time every day into a fun expression of creativity? Make up a new recipe, experiment with ingredients you haven’t used before, and have fun with garnishes to make your plates beautiful.


 This can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. Just the act of teaching your children or significant other how to do something that you enjoy can be extremely satisfying, and allow you to be creative in the presentation. If you’re comfortable, sign up to teach a class in your community for an even bigger boost.


Choose your materials, be it wood, clay, paperclips, or soda cans. Put something together so that it pleases your eye, and display it if you like.

I hope you give one of these things a try, especially if you’re like me and struggle with enjoying traditional art making. Give yourself some time, and revisit the painting or drawing some day as well. You might find that taking a step back will allow you to find a way to enjoy it better next time.

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