3 Ways to Connect with Friends when Life is Crazy

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As I make my way through adulthood, I find that each year my life gets just a little bit more insane – More kids, more responsibilities, more scheduled activities, and way more laundry!

What happened to the time in my life where getting together with friends was as easy as sending them a text and meeting at the mall?  Oh.  Yeah.  Kids happened.  Jobs happened.  Being Grown-up happened.  (Waaahhhh!!)

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So now when I want to see my friends, it usually has to be a scheduled event. And it usually has to be short, conveniently located, and easy – or neither of us will show up.  I’ve found that there are three types of get togethers that fit nicely into this equation, and I have a few tips to make them work for you too:

Brunch – Brunch used to mean stumbling hung-over into a restaurant on Saturday morning to meet the girls for mimosas.  Now, it usually means inviting 2 -4 people (plus kids) over to our house on a Saturday around 10 AM.  I cook a main course, and ask the others to bring some muffins and mimosa ingrediants.  Easy!  The kids play while the adults enjoy some catching up and day drinking.

Coffee Date – I think when I was younger we used to go out for coffee because we were bored and it seemed like the cool thing today.  Nowadays, we drink coffee because it is NECESSARY for survival.  This makes a coffee date the ultimate bonding experience for tired adults anywhere.  The perfect time for this outing is when you can get someone to watch your kids.  Sit down, drink coffee, talk about things.  Enjoy.

Happy Hour – This is the most complicated scenario here, but by far the most enjoyable.  The key here is finding someone else to get your kids out of daycare/school so that you can go right after work.  You also might need someone to come pick you up, since you might over-do it on account of the fact that you never actually go to bars anymore.  If you can take care of those two things ahead of time, you are free to have the happiest hour ever with your neglected friends.

I hope I’ve inspired you to reconnect with friends who you’ve not seen in a while due to life’s stupid responsibilities.  Text a friend today!  Tell me, what other kinds of events do you plan with your friends?


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