The Facts: Understanding Anxiety and Entrepreneurship

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Anxiety is a very real issue for many entrepreneurs, myself included. 


Have you ever said a word so many times that it lost it’s meaning? You know, where you repeated it over and over again until it began to sound like nonsense? That happens a lot in our society; there are so many things screaming for our attention. We have advertisements and to-do lists and goal sheets calling for us in every corner. It all swirls together, quickly losing it’s meaning. For some of us, getting to that state is a sign of being overwhelmed. For others, it is one of the many symptoms that can accompany having an anxiety disorder.

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The American Psychology Association ( APA ) defines anxiety a little more thoroughly. They state, “people with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat.”


Anxiety can be triggered at any time by anything. This is what makes this kind of disorder so difficult to manage. This isn’t just being worried, it is something much bigger than that. Imagine if every time something worried you, your stomach began to twist in knots, your heart began to palpitate, and your mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. People who suffer from anxiety often experience this when they become worried. Life can be stressful, and there are many worries that come. Learning to deal with your anxiety will help to keep your life from becoming centered on what is stressing you out.


This is what makes this kind of disorder so difficult to manage. This isn’t just being worried, it is something much bigger than that. Imagine if every time something worried you, your stomach began to twist in knots, your heart began to palpitate, and your mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. People who suffer from anxiety often experience this when they become worried. Life can be stressful, and there are many worries that come. Learning to deal with your anxiety will help to keep your life from becoming centered on what is stressing you out.

What does having anxiety mean for the budding entrepreneur? Or for the person on a path of self-improvement?  It means that we have to be honest with ourselves. Anytime there are goals, be they business goals or personal goals, there will be stress. Being in charge of a business means making a lot of decisions, and sometimes worrying that we haven’t made the correct one. We have to make presentations, improve our skill set, and sometimes we miss out on sleep. All of these projects and goals can mean a big time issue for those of us with anxiety. How can we bring it back into balance?


  1. Know your triggers– What makes you feel nervous or anxious? These things are called triggers, and they are different for everyone. Some people can work in a pile of paperwork, and some get overwhelmed by it. Some people need a long list of reminders, for others it makes them feel like they will never get it all done. Find out what your triggers are, and do what you can to keep those triggers to a minimum.
  2. Plan ahead – No matter what your triggers are, being prepared ahead of time can reduce your chances of feeling anxious. Whatever puts your mind at ease, whether it means creating an outline, or working a week ahead of time, do it. Preparation will always help to put your mind at ease.
  3. Seek appropriate treatment – Anxiety isn’t a weakness, it is a real medical condition. People with medical conditions need doctors, and treating your anxiety can greatly reduce your symptoms


Anxiety presents a challenge, but it is not insurmountable. Once you learn your symptoms and how to avoid or lessen your triggers, you will be ready to take on the world. Manage your workload well, and don’t be afraid to seek out treatment if anxiety begins to overwhelm you. You have so many things to accomplish, don’t let anxiety slow you down!


Are you an entrepreneur with anxiety? You aren’t alone, and I’m glad you found me here! Leave a comment and say hello.

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